
Mujer vegana pretende que sus vecinos no puedan hacer barbacoas con carne, y les denuncia

Mujer vegana pretende que sus vecinos no puedan hacer barbacoas con carne, y les denuncia

[…] Un tribunal australiano ha rechazado la denuncia de Cillia Carden había interpuesto en la localidad australiana de Perth contra varios de sus vecinos por los olores que le llegaban a su patio trasero procedentes de las barbacoas. […] [Noticia]

Mujer vegana pretende que sus vecinos no puedan hacer barbacoas con carne, y les denuncia

Pues si antes la troleaban, que se prepare ahora que les ha denunciado sin éxito… su jardín va a ser un festival de olores.

Enviado por @linkvron

Los mejores chollos en Chollometro

¿Hay hambre?

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On the menu this afternoon before leaving on vacation: Tomahawk Steak w/Nashville Hot Chicken Butter. So to answer a question… yes, I will name some Nashville Hot Chicken using my Rub soon. Today though, I was craving beef with a spicy kick to it. Grilled this Tomahawk over the fire on the @kankayamara. Using @kerrygoldusa butter, my Nashville Hot Chicken rub from @spiceology and some lemon juice, I made this butter sauce to baste over the top of the steak. Man it was super delicious. Might even have to use this on pork soon! Anyway, enjoyed this for lunch before my wife and I head to Alaska for a week. Not planning on doing any cooking out there… but you never know. Stay tuned for all of that! Y’all rock!!! Oh and find all my spices by clicking the link in my bio! 🥩 🔥 . . . Ingredients: Steak: Tomahawk steak, salt, pepper & avocado oil. Butter: @kerrygoldusa Butter, Nashville Hot Chicken Rub by me and @spiceology and lemon juice. . . . Gear: Nashville Hot Chicken Rub from @spiceology & @overthefirecooking Grill from @kankayamara Cutting Board from @monnierwoodcraft Knives from @fingalferguson Butter from @kerrygoldusa . . . Music: Yugen Musician: Jef . . . #overthefirecooking #openfirecooking #livefirecooking #cookingwithfire #firecooking #campfirecooking #forkyeah #grilling #nashville #food #foodie #videorecipe #bbq #barbecue #barbeque #asado #churrasco #braai #tomahawksteak #steak #steaks #ribeye #ribeyes #mediumrare #nashvillehotchicken #nashvegas #tennessee #nashvillehot #beef #carne

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