«De momento sigo vivo»
Éste en el zoológico nacional del Smithsonian se está bañando en polvo y frotando el nuevo aroma en sus espinas.
Although they may resemble shrews, hedgehogs, or opossums, tenrecs are not closely related to any of these groups. This one at the Smithsonian's National Zoo is dust-bathing and rubbing the new scent into its spines
[source: https://t.co/TTePl7qbQy]pic.twitter.com/OWUbV6Z8ma
— Massimo (@Rainmaker1973) August 4, 2023
Enviado por @alvarovallilli1
Enviado por @alvarovallilli1
Transperant fish, cannot see any organs, except the eyes. pic.twitter.com/eiJ8V5hbJG
— Science (@ScienceGuys_) August 4, 2023